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What We Do

VizTV Web Services offers excellent web hosting services which are geared towards local Houston area businesses which seek to a competitive edge in the search market.

Why We Do It

VizTV Web Services was founded for one purpose; to serve VizTV Media Services’ SEO clients in Houston & Texas. By hosting VizTV Media Services’ SEO client’s websites on web servers which are locally hosted, us, our clients, and their customers benefit from faster loading speeds, search benefits inherent by having our websites hosted on local GEO-located servers, and piece of mind knowing they’re supporting our local economy. We’re Houston Strong and proud to keep as much of our business in Houston, TX as possible.

VizTV Web Services is based in Houston, TX, offers web hosting on servers which are located in Houston, TX, and is a proud member of the Houston community. Our founder is Ray’Von Shanklin, a native Houstonian, webmaster and professional SEO by trade. He was looking for a local web hosting solution in Houston. When he wasn’t able to find one, he created an option. Thus, VizTV Web Services.

About Our Web Hosting Services

Our web hosting service was created to facilitate local SEO efforts for clients of VizTV Media Services and to offer Houstonians a local option for their web hosting needs without compromising on any service expectations. In fact, we provide state-of-the-art web hosting as a standard which ensures the continued viability of our hosting services.

The Technology Behind VizTV

CyrusOne’s Data Center in West Houston


Our Clients Matter

Our services are fast, reliable, run on the latest web server technology, and are always up to date. We’re proud to say that our servers are located in CyrusOne’s state of the art data-center in west Houston. The data-center has access to redundant utility power and the fastest telecommunication networks available due to it’s location on a major fiber corridor.

CyrusOne’s Houston West data center campus is the largest digital energy campus for the oil and gas industry in Houston and a geophysical center of excellence for seismic exploration computing.

With the healthcare industry forecasted to see 800% growth in data storage over the next 5 years, the Houston data center is built to scale. Two new buildings have brought the site to nearly 1,000,000 square feet.

The facility was unaffected by Hurricane Harvey.